Why Basbes?

You might think that it’s just another dating app so why bother using it, well it’s not even a dating app, it’s as we prefer to call it a dating app for people who don’t believe in dating apps.

This is what you do without Basbes

A priest is standing in poring rains, every now and then a car driver offers to give him a ride but he gently ‎‎refuses saying that god will help him, in the after live he asks why god didn’t help him despite he was a ‎‎good person, angels reply that he refused all the rides that god had sent. The beauty about this joke that ‎while you laugh at it you suddenly realize that you do the same mistake. How many times you lost your ‎‎faith and thought that god didn’t create your other half and you will end up being a lone, despite god ‎‎sends you a suitable stranger everyday but you do nothing about it because it’s creepy to act on it. Well, forget ‎‎about the last time you have forsaken love at first sight, because this time that matters.‎

This is what happens when you skip all your chances ‎

  • Arranged marriage.
  • Blind dates.
  • Conventional dating apps.‎

Arranged marriage, blind dates and conventional dating apps, they are all effective options but there ‎are common flaws that make them always fail.‎

Two people are having a bad date

Reversed love steps

Both arranged marriage and dating apps have the same reversed steps for love, first it finds you ‎‎someone suitable for your educational, social and financial level, then arranges a meeting to make sure there is any attraction may spark between both of you, luckily Basbes works ‎‎in a more natural way almost like the instinct that all animals follow, first you see someone you are ‎attracted to, then you arrange a meeting to make ‎sure you two are suitable for each other and have ‎things in common.‎

A beautiful girl is forcing her heart to love her partner

Forced love

There are two ways you buy clothes, first is to realize ‎that you need new clothes then go to buy them, the second happens by chance when you go to meet some friends ‎then you notice a beautiful outfit that you can’t let go. That’s exactly the deference between ‎other dating apps and Basbes, because when you use conventional dating apps you find a person who wants be loved immediately and will settle for the first available choice, and that available choice happens to be ‎you, you are not ‎his/her soul mate, you are just a hologram helps him to project his feelings. Basbes on the other hand is just a tool you keep in case you cross by someone special, ‎you ‎are not forcing your heart, you only use Basbes because your heart will be broken if you let that special person go.‎

Disappointed brides from friends’ episode the one with the wedding dresses

Admitting you are a loser

The problem with using dating apps for most people is the fact that they have to admit to themselves that ‎they have failed to find someone understands and cares for them by normal means, like if they ‎need a wizard or some kind of magic just to be noticed, but on the other hand, Basbes is just an ‎enhancement to the chances they have already, it’s like make-up which enhances the ‎face you already have, not a plastic surgery which tells you your face is not a good starting point.

That’s ‎what you deal with when using a dating apps, you feel your soul is not good enough and it needs tricks ‎to be noticeable and likeable. ‎

This is what makes Basbes different

Now you know what you do wrong in running the best dating app you’ll ever have, which is your life, ‎and what will eventually happen when you turn down all of the opportunities sent to you, let’s see how you can tweak things a little bit in your favor, and how to use Basbes to make the most out of what you’ve ‎been given.‎

No location and works underground

Basbes doesn’t know anything about your location as it uses ultrasound to determine proximity, that’s ‎why it only finds people you can see by your bare eye instead of the person in the adjacent hotel room, also that’s why it works well indoors, ‎underground, and in transportation.‎

No guilt for disturbing others

The problem with approaching a stranger is the guilt you feel for disturbing someone’s peace, as there is ‎no way to be sure you are really welcomed, Basbes handles this dilemma‏ ‏very neatly, as every ‎message is received hidden and the recipient must scratch it letter by letter to read it’s content, which ‎means there is no way you are bothering the recipient by your message, because no one will exert this ‎effort unless he/she is into you.

screenshot of scratching future in basbes messages

No matchmaking

Unlike other dating apps, Basbes doesn’t claim to know what is the best for you, it doesn’t suggest suitable people for you based on your profile information that doesn’t reflect your real character, and there is no matchmaking mechanism. The only thing in common between you and someone you find in Basbes’s search result that you both at the same place, and that’s the only reliable way to find someone shares the same interests with you.

Basbes is just a tool enhances your real life to make the most of the chances you already have, the chances ‎you usually forsake, you are the one who chooses the person you like, you are the one who chooses ‎what to say and when, it’s all about the connection you feel with the chosen one, it’s all about you, ‎your crush, and your pick-up line, that’s all. ‎

A woman and a man are flirting in a coffee shop
A man is starting a conversation with a shy woman at street cafe

No swipes

Unlike other dating apps which requires approval of both parties before initiating a conversation, with ‎Basbes you can start a conversation right away.‎

Why? Because love was never born between two people admirer each other in the same time, but ‎rather begins with someone believes in another to an extent that he offers his heart, and someone disbelieves in himself to the point of making him accept.‎

In real life, someone must risk revealing his feelings without being able to predict the reaction of the ‎other one. This risk is the one thing that separates those who came to buy and those who came to ‎bargain, it’s the big holes that let your net skip small fishes.

screenshot of timed conversation future in Basbes

Continuous consent and easy withdrawal

Sometimes you feel great about someone but as soon as you start talking you lost interest. I know ‎‎what you are thinking, Basbes is not like other apps you use to communicate with someone who is not ‎‎sitting in the same room with you, so how can you block someone who already can see you? well you ‎‎don’t, because when you receive a new conversation you choose how long this conversation ‎should ‎be active, once the period you specified ends, the sender can’t send you more messages ‎unless you ‎‎reactivate the conversation by providing additional time, so you basically consent to communicate with ‎the sender not only once, but over and over again.‎

This way you won’t feel the pressure to continue a useless conversation just because the person ‎you ‎neglect is setting in front of you, as the sender will always assume you just forgot to reactivate the ‎conversation.‎ ‎

A woman is looking to a man with admiration while reading a book

Real person not a picture

Pictures can tell you if you like the appearance of a person, but it will never tell you if you are attracted ‎to him/her. You will be surprised ‎that may stand face to face in front of Scarlett Johansson/Hugh Jackman and feel nothing, with Basbes you see the person standing in front of you before you decide to go out for a date.

man chatting with a woman he met on public transportation

Instant dating

You can put down your smartphones and turn this chat into a date immediately, because both of you already in the same place. What makes your decision easier, you already know that you are physically attracted to that person, you can feel his/her presence in the room.

A boy is looking to a girl in a library with admiration ‎

Same place, same interests

Users’ profiles on dating apps or their online persona in general don’t reflect their real character, and acquaintances of your friends are different from you, so how to find someone share you the same interests. Well, Places are the best filter has existed, if you both met at the same place, you both share at least one interest, and that’s a good start.

A screenshot of basbes user profile with social media links
A screenshot of requesting to reveal social media account

Social media stalking

It’s okey if you don’t have the guts to initiate a conversation with a stranger, or you need more time to ‎decide if this one is the right one for you, luckily users can add the links of their social media to their ‎Basbes’s profile, so you can know more about them before deciding to make a move.‎