What makes Basbes a truly face to face dating app?

Everything you need to know about Basbes features that make it stands out, from detecting surrounding users to timed ‎conversation and scratching.

Features of Basbes

screenshot of searching for nearby basbes users

Basbes’s job is to help you to make the most of people you meet in real life, that’s why its range is too short to make sure that you only communicate with people you see with bare eye at the same room, place, public transportation, etc.

Even if the target user is setting in the 12 meters radius, you can’t detect him/her if there is a barrier between you like walls, doors or closed windows.

You shouldn’t even put your smartphone in your pocket while searching or when you want to be found by others.

Basbes gives you total control to switch off your visibility anytime you want, in case you don’t want ‎anyone to find you. ‎

Disabling visibility is handy when you are surrounded by people you have no interest in any of them, that will save you a lot of useless conversation with a person you are a way out of his/her league.

You might need to disable your visibility at work or family gathering so that none of your coworkers or family member know that you are a Basbes user.

It’s also a good idea to switch off your visibility when it’s not needed to save your barratry.

screenshot of enabling other basbes users to detect you
screenshot of scratching future in basbes messages

Any message you received from a stranger is displayed as a hidden message until you scratched it letter by letter to read it, this is how Basbes makes sure that you are interested in the person in the first place, and you like every single letter of the message.

If you don’t like where the conversation it’s going, you can stop scratching so that you don’t read the rest of the message by accident.

You may consider it as a continuous consent not just for the person but for each single letter he/she sent you.

When a person starts a conversation, you can choose how long this conversation can be active, once the period you specified ends, he/she can’t send you more messages unless you reactivate the conversation by providing additional time.

This way you won’t feel the pressure to continue a useless conversation just because the person you neglect is setting in front of you.

A screenshot of basbes user profile with social media links

It’s okey if you don’t have the guts to initiate a conversation with a stranger, or you need more time to ‎decide if this one is the right one for you, luckily users can add the links of their social media to their ‎Basbes’s profile, so you can know more about them before deciding to make a move.‎

If you don’t want your social media links be public to everyone, you can make any social ‎media link private, as a result, anyone wants to see your private links must send you a request first and get your approval. ‎

A screenshot of requesting to reveal social media account